Продукти за pustella 1880 (19)

Органично екстра върджин зехтин Reuza 750 мл - Италианско масло - Маслини Biancolilla и Taggiasca

Органично екстра върджин зехтин Reuza 750 мл - Италианско масло - Маслини Biancolilla и Taggiasca

The Reuza Extra Virgin is born from the union between two highly prized Italian cultivars, with rather different effects: the Biancolilla olive and the Taggiasca olive. Extra virgin olive oil · 100% Italian oil – cold extracted · Obtained from Biancolilla olive and Taggiasca olive · Sweet and aromatic, an excellent condiment for salads and crudites, Reuza is a highly selected product: it combines the aromatic notes of the Biancolilla olive with the sweetness of the Taggiasca olive. The result is surprising and very pleasant. The name “Reuza”, Rose in Ligurian dialect, refers to a perfumed oil, just like a flower. The olives are harvested by hand in the months of November and December. The oil extraction is carried out with the utmost care, strictly cold. code:REU .75
PERONI Gran riserva rossa 12 бутилки 50 cl

PERONI Gran riserva rossa 12 бутилки 50 cl

Questa birra Rossa di alta qualità ha una gradazione alcolica del 7%. Confezione da 12 bottiglie da 50 cl, offre un sapore unico e robusto, perfetto per accompagnare i tuoi pasti o per una serata rilassante. Goditi l'eleganza di PERONI Gran riserva rossa in ogni bicchiere.


Concepito dall'estro del distillatore, Rum Farol nasce dalla passione per la curiosità di sondare nuovi orizzonti di gusto. Di esclusiva produzione portoghese, Rum Farol è il risultato dei processi naturali della fermentazione e distillazione del succo pressato della canna da zucchero, il cui profilo aromatico è garantito.
Псилиум Баба 1000г

Псилиум Баба 1000г

Die Großmutter von Psyllium, auch Mittelmeer Großmutter, ist eine hervorragende Quelle für Ballaststoffe und hat auch einen hohen Proteingehalt. Es wird verwendet, um die Funktionsweise des Verdauungssystems zu verbessern. Darüber hinaus erhöht Faser das Gefühl der Sättigung. Nach dem Kontakt mit Wasser bedecken die Samen mit Schleim und bilden ein Gel, was bei Darmbeschwerden hilft. Es verbessert die Darmbakterienflora, Abschirmung und entzündungshemmend. & lt; 0,01G & lt; 1%*RWS - Referenzfutter & nbsp; <strong> Verwendung </strong> Das Produkt ist nach Vorbereitung bereit zu essen: 2-3 Teelöffel Psyllium -Kuchen sollten mit einem Glas Saft gegossen werden oder Wasser, etwa 20 Minuten lang beiseite gelegt und dann trinken. Wenn Sie das Produkt konsumieren, sollten Sie beim Verzehr des Produkts verwendet werden. Trinken Sie große Mengen Wasser, mindestens 1,5 l. Sie können zweimal am Tag einnehmen, vorzugsweise morgens und nachmittags.
Milano Prestige

Milano Prestige

100% best Arabica coffees from Brazil, Columbia, Honduras, Costa Rica and Peru. Brazil: “Santos” is a smooth and balanced Brazilian coffee with a clean and fine aroma. A chocolaty flavor, a full body, intense aromas and a persistent finish define its essence. Columbia: Most Columbian coffees are of the Arabica variety: extremely aromatic and full-bodied defined by hazelnut and flowery finish and fragrance. Honduras: Balanced and full-bodied coffee with a sweet liquorish fragrance. Costarica: Excellent coffee with hazelnut-colored crema and a fragrance of apples and dates. Light acidity. Peru: Delicately structured coffee with a fruity and cocoa finish.The specific roast yields a very rich and textured coffee, full-bodied with a persistent finish of flowers and chocolate.
Масло Aubel

Масло Aubel

250g Aubel Papier sulfurisé Motte Doux Demi-Sel
Morcillol 027

Morcillol 027

Mezcla de aditivos, condimentos y especias, de uso charcutero, para la elaboración del producto cárnico tratado por el calor denominado “Morcilla”. Formato: bolsa 5kg
Чиста Произход 100% Перу

Чиста Произход 100% Перу

Peru belongs to the most forested countries in the world, over half of Peru is covered in trees – and a large part of it is Amazonian tropical forest. No wonder Peru is in the top 10 of most biodiverse countries in the world. Unfortunately, deforestation and forest degradation are serious issues in Peru, caused by monoculture farming, mining, road construction and illegal logging. Because cacao grows in agroforestry, its cultivation gives farmers the opportunity to earn an income, while protecting forests and conserving biodiversity. Peru Ucayali cacao is organically produced and certified; no pesticides or chemical fertilizers are used. Peru Ucayali cacao is from Trinitario varieties. Its flavour profile is characterized by a balanced chocolaty body, low in acidity, with remarkable sweet notes of caramel and nuts and hints of fruity flavours. After manual picking the farmers bring the wet cacao beans to a central fermentation unit. Origin:Peru Region:Central Amazonas Variety:Trinitario Hints:Caramel, nutty, fruity SKU:5430002193212 PURE CHOCOLATE:100% cocoa beans Energy:550Kcal, 2300kJ Total fat:52g which Saturated fat:31g Carbohydrates:5g which Sugar:0g Protein:15g Salt:0g
HUILA Колумбия

HUILA Колумбия

HUILA Colombie
Дон Фулано - Текила Репосадо

Дон Фулано - Текила Репосадо

Le spiritueux : Cette Tequila de la maison Don Fulano exprime à merveille le parfait jeu d'équilibre qu'une Tequila Reposado doit présenter. On retrouve en effet dans ce joli flacon les saveurs de la Tequila "classique" blanco de la gamme, à savoir des notes fruitées (agrumes, peau d'orange), une pointe de poivre ainsi qu'une touche végétale et terreuse exprimant le terroir. Néanmoins, la différence réside ici dans les 10 mois que ce spiritueux a passé en fûts de chêne français. Ainsi, un boisé fin et gourmand peut se percevoir en fond, communiquant à l'ensemble une belle matière en bouche évoquant le cacao. En cocktails ou pure, cette Tequila Reposado saura quoiqu'il en soit vous impressionner lors de la dégustation ! La maison Type:Tequila 100% Agave bleu Contenance:70cl Degré alcoolique:40%
BERGADER Bergader piccante 100 g

BERGADER Bergader piccante 100 g

Questo formaggio BERGADER piccante, confezionato in una confezione da 100 g, è un prodotto di alta qualità. Grazie al suo sapore ricco e intenso, ti garantiamo un'esperienza gastronomica unica e piena di gusto. Perfetto da gustare come antipasto o per arricchire i tuoi piatti preferiti.
SANTA SOFIA Amarone della Valpolicella Classico 1 бутилка 75 cl

SANTA SOFIA Amarone della Valpolicella Classico 1 бутилка 75 cl

Questo Amarone della Valpolicella Classico di SANTA SOFIA è un vino di alta qualità con una bottiglia da 75 cl. Grazie alla sua produzione tradizionale e al suo invecchiamento in botti di legno, offre un sapore ricco e intenso che si abbina perfettamente a carni rosse e formaggi stagionati. Ottimo da gustare in occasioni speciali.
MEDAINA Barolo DOCG 1 бутилка 75 cl

MEDAINA Barolo DOCG 1 бутилка 75 cl

Questo vino pregiato ha un gusto intenso e corposo con note di frutti scuri e spezie. Prodotto in Italia, MEDAINA Barolo DOCG è la scelta perfetta per gli amanti del vino, con 75 cl di puro piacere in ogni bottiglia. Perfetto da abbinare a piatti di carne o formaggi stagionati.
Проволоне пиканте 2 кг

Проволоне пиканте 2 кг

La provolone piccante da 2 kg è il formaggio italiano perfetto per arricchire qualsiasi piatto. Con il suo sapore forte e piccante, questo formaggio aggiunge un tocco di gusto a ogni piatto, facendolo diventare un'esperienza unica per il palato. Realizzato con cura e tradizione, la provolone piccante da 2 kg è un'ottima scelta per i veri amanti del formaggio.
Екстра Вирджин Зехтин Arzentu 750 мл - Италианско масло - Маслини Пернзана и Тагиаска

Екстра Вирджин Зехтин Arzentu 750 мл - Италианско масло - Маслини Пернзана и Тагиаска

The Arzentu Extra Virgin Olive Oil is born from the union between two highly prized Italian cultivars: Oliva Peranzana and Oliva Taggiasca Extra Virgin Olive Oil · 100% Italian Oil – cold extracted · Obtained from Peranzana olive and Taggiasca olive · Excellent condiment for the most delicate dishes Arzentu is a highly selected, gentle and fragrant product that combines the distinctive characteristics of the Taggiasca olive and the Peranzana olive: they are both cultivars that produce very fruity oils: the very sweet Taggiasco, the Peranzana Extra with spicy notes a little more pronounced. The combination is very pleasant. The name “Arzenrtu” Argento in Ligurian dialect refers to a noble product, but with a vibrant note, in its name and flavour. The olives are harvested by hand in the months of November and December. The oil extraction is carried out with the utmost care, strictly cold. code:ARG .75
Mijo 1000g

Mijo 1000g

El mijo está hecho de mijo. Ayuda a contrarrestar la acidificación del cuerpo, fortalece la inmunidad y es nutritiva y fácilmente digerible. Naturalmente está libre de gluten. Su gran ventaja es el alto contenido de vitaminas B, hierro hematopoyético y cobre. Es una excelente fuente de fibra dietética y potasio, magnesio, calcio y sodio. Proporciona al cuerpo una proteína fácilmente digerible y carbohidratos complejos, que son la base de una dieta saludable. El mijo atrapado tiene un efecto antiviral y de fortalecimiento, ayuda a restaurar el equilibrio ácido-base del cuerpo. El grupo B y las vitaminas de hierro tienen hematopoyetia. El mijo ayuda a reducir la inflamación en el cuerpo, trabaja el calentamiento, mejora el metabolismo, mejora la concentración y el recuerdo. El alto contenido de los compuestos de calcio y sílice fortalece los dientes y los huesos. - 4%incluye ácidos grasos saturados 0.4g - 2%de carbohidratos 72.1g - 28%incluyendo azúcares 0.8g - 1%de proteína 10.
Екстра Вирджин Зехтин Lucinasco Riv. Ligure Dop 500 мл - Ривиера Лигуре D.o.p. - Италианско масло - 100% маслина Тагиаска

Екстра Вирджин Зехтин Lucinasco Riv. Ligure Dop 500 мл - Ривиера Лигуре D.o.p. - Италианско масло - 100% маслина Тагиаска

Riviera Ligure DOP Extra Virgin Olive Oil – Riviera dei Fiori Italian Oil, 100% Taggiasca Olive – Cold Extracted Lucinasco, located on the top of a hill about 500 m above sea level, is one of the most beautiful towns in the Oneglia Valley. Its olive groves, which extend below the town, are composed exclusively of Taggiasca variety olive trees and are renowned for their particularly happy exposure. They produce olives with a lower yield than other places in the valley, but the quality of their extra virgin olive oil is excellent. Our Riviera Ligure DOP selection is obtained from olives coming from Lucinasco olive groves, pressed to perfection in our oil mill. Cold produced and packaged must (unfiltered) after simple natural decantation. The bottle is wrapped with a sheet of gold paper, which ensures the protection of the product from light. code:DOP .50


Jura - Уиски Сингъл Малт - 18 Години

Jura - Уиски Сингъл Малт - 18 Години

Le spiritueux : Ce complexe Whisky Single Malt nous est offert après 18 longues années d'un élevage minutieux et attentif par la distillerie Jura. Sa bouche intense se développe sur des notes d'épices, de tabac ainsi qu'une gourmande touche chocolatée mais également sur de délicieux arômes de fruits rouges (cerise, framboise) apportés par une finition de 2 ans en anciennes barriques de Grand Cru Bordelais. La matière est structurée mais délicate et de très légères notes fumées complètent l'ensemble. Une valeur sûre de haut niveau pour un grand moment de contemplation ! La maison : La distillerie Jura se situe sur l'île éponyme localisée au Sud-Ouest de l'Écosse. Fondée en 1810, elle renaît après de multiples péripéties en 1963. L’origine du nom "Jura" provient d’un mot scandinave signifiant "cerf", animal emblématique de cette île parfois sauvage où plus de 5 000 d'entre eux sont recensés. Type:Whisky Single Malt Contenance:70cl Degré alcoolique:44%